2021 Season

Abel and Brittany Gutierrez

Alexis Dendy

Amy Ates

Amy Waggoner

Andrew Cook

Bo Barmore

Brad Brown

Brendan Barmore

Bretton Williams

Briley Whittington

Brody McKee

Brooks Barnett

Buster Thornton

Cameron Temple

Carson Foust

Cassidy Barmore

Chris Biggers

Chuck Traylor

Colton Biggers

Cullen Smith

David Hartwell

Dayton Green

Dayton Green2

Dedria Brashear

Derby Hanson

Devin Singleton

Drake Hunter Hood

Dusty McGehee and Montana Boyd

Eli Thomas

Fisher Colvin

George Shirey

George Webb

Heath Hanna

Hunter Bennett

Hunter Bennett2

Jack McGehee

Jake Lormand

Jamie Voss

Jason Lamar

Jaxon Taylor

Jeff Smart

Jericho Adkins

Joe Bryan

Jordan Branch

Joseph Sylvestri

Jude Willis

Kenny Naul

Kirk Jones

Lance Davis

Landon Burnham

Landon Holland

Lauren Burnham

Layleigh Upshaw

Levi Newsom

Maddi Ware

Maddie Lu McGehee

Maggie Trull

Max Penny

Micah StAmant

Montana Boyd

Morgan McLeod

Nathan Pruitt

Nathan Pruitt2

Peyton McKinnie

Phil Pierot

Phil Soileau

Rebecca Lamar

Reggie Bridges

Ridge McGehee

Ridge McGehee2

Rory Driskill

Rylan Hurdle

Scarlett Evans

Scott Jennings

Smith Gillum

Sonny Bennett

Talan Billberry

Ted Barmore

Ted Barmore2

Ted Bertrand

Theo Reed

Tommy Garrett

Wyatt McGrew

Zac Gunter

Zach Lipscomb

Zach Lipscomb2

Zeb Ates
599 Highway 167
Dubach, LA 71235
Copyright 2025 Dubach Deer Factory & Smokehouse